

Page history last edited by Bilawal Hameed 15 years, 7 months ago



Z32.NET uses all types of technology to help ensure all of our participators and users are communicating with our service. We have a way for you to do this, that is not expensive and is highly effective.


Ping is a quick, simple way to notify our servers which can immediately process a request to save content onto our servers, in which we return a URL which contains the downloaded material. This would be highly useful to automatic websites, news websites and articles that may be of use and would be of demand.


Ping Options

Pinging our servers comes in two options: JavaScript, or HTTP. They both have their advantages and disadvantages which will be described below, so if you find one that's suitable for you at least both of the content will be able to be for you.


JavaScript Ping

This is as simple as placing a piece of code onto your page. To do this you would place this code below onto the designated page you would like to ping us everytime you have a new issuance, and take note we will only receive pings once per 6 hours per page and up to 20 hours per site when using JavaScript ping. We also track IP activity for security purposes to prevent any misuse by using this tool, and when triggers are automatically initiated our servers respond immediately on attacks.


The code you'd place on the page you would like it to be placed on.


<script language="JavaScript">

document.write("<script src=\"http://www.z32.net/js_ping?page="+encodeURIComponent(top.location)+"\"><\/script>");



And, if you would like us to return a URL which will automatically contain our SDH technology please add this after your URL. Typically it will return a shortened URL which would be chosen by reliable partners like TinyURL and Bit.ly. If you have a strong knowledge of javascript you can modify the script below to however you wish.


<script language="JavaScript">

document.write("<p>Shortened URL: <input type='text' readonly='readonly' value='"+RETURN_URL_Z32+"'></p>");



There's quite a few disadvantages with this. If a user doesn't have javascript enabled, they won't be able to ping our server neither will they be able to view the shortened URL. Not only that but users who do have javascript enabled will be pinging our servers everytime they view the page, which in a mass volume will cause a server effect however we have strong systems implented to prevent misuse of this utility. The advantages of using this is that no programming experience is required, just a simple copy and paste and that it doesn't require any software to work.



This is more commonly referred to as a API. All pings from HTTP will be returned in XML. The purpose of this is to make server scripts more commonly interactive.


Example Output:



This API is designed more for applications such as dnScoop, WebsiteOutlook and Estibot so that they can send a HTTP request in the background and receive immediate response to the data.


In order for you to make a ping, using your application send a request to this URL:



You will need to make a page parameter which must be formatted in URL, which our server accepts encoded or decoded. A example ping would mean you would notify this URL in your background application.



It would return the XML output as stated above, and we'd advise you limit the amount of requests to the least necessary. This would substantially make it easier for us to process your requests, otherwise we will turn your pings offline which will result in denial of your requests. Typically we only allow up to 100 pings per day, but we review every website that pings us and if we feel you need a higher limit we will automatically raise your pings to about 10,000+ depending on the volume of pings needed per day.


The disadvantages of using this is that programming experience is required, and can slow your site down if our server goes down (highly unlikely, but let's be realistic). However as an advantage it doesn't have any javascript clutter and works immediately as soon as the request is made, whereas the javascript option would require a user to access the javascript material for it to program.



Absolutely not. All minipulated pages are marked as modified page and will never be shown on our public website. It is optional for you to modify these pages and you only control who is able to view your modified page through a unique, accessible link which is provided to you after you've saved your minipulated webpage.


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