
Content Authorisation

Page history last edited by Bilawal Hameed 15 years, 7 months ago


Content Authorisation is an short rebranding for our legal participation in "warning users before viewing reproduced content" that is required by UK authorities to prohibit any sort of intervention with saved content that could lead to Fraud or Phishing.

A user will be warned before going to a page saved within the past 6 months, so they are immediately acknowledging the fact that the content is not the original source, but a clone from the original resource used purposefully for reference and mass collection for analytics.

This initiative was inherited on the 08th June 2009 after we recieve several "phishing" notices by companies such as McAfee and this feature was required by law to be displayed. Archive.org is exempt from this rule as they hold a strong accessibility rule which immediately prevents abuse.


Why is it there?

When a user views a saved page, they need to get some of notice to acknowledge the fact that they are viewing content that is saved and to warn them not to enter sensitive pages.


Even though our pages are parsed to disable any sort of intervention with users, there's always links that could be linked to human intervention such as phishing pages that can steal user's information from either Facebook, Twitter or YouTube and can automatically post unappropriate content illegally.


What else can I do to prevent phishing?

If you find a site that's known to be phishy, let us know as soon as possible. All of our abuse team are notified on the demand when a site is flagged for phishing and by all means, we will remove content practically immediately.


If by all means we appear the site to have plagarism or phishing, we will automatically ban the website's saved records and any future archiving.


A site is automatically blacklisted from our servers when we appear them to have plagarism. We work with the UK Police and FBI to store blacklisted websites which are the biggest resources to find and close down sites that may have phishing. Typically we will only blacklist them after 72 hours, and the first page we appear to archive is deemed the original source for the content if we don't have any other evidence for content.


After a site has been flagged and we deem it to be exempt from a phishing warning, we will disable "flagging" for the site for the next 30 days. If a site is excessively doing damage on behalf of our storage facility, you can always contact us and we'll handle your request as soon as possible.

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