
Basic Overview

Page history last edited by Bilawal Hameed 15 years, 7 months ago


Z32 is mainly a webpage storage system, which uses this masses of stored data to interpret it into better usage. By having so much access to available content, we can use this content to minipulate information to other companies, such as delivering the most recent backups.


The most valuable feature from our company, is that every customer helps us develop and improve Z32 through their subscriptions and usage. This is the main reason why we encourage people to purchase our subscription at only $7.99 a month, which is extremely cheap compared to what other companies would statistically offer. 


Why isn't it archiving a page I requested it to?

Z32 doesn't want pages that won't be of any use to our customers, so we won't typically archive your content if it has issues. If your page doesn't get archived it could be one of these issues:


  • Our servers might not accept your site because it is blacklisted by several reliable sources.
  • Data might have approached our filter. This may only occur for spyware, pornography or inappropriate content.
  • If your site is never updated, we won't keep capturing content if it doesn't have any changes to actually view.
  • Your site might be too slow, if it takes over a specific amount of time to load we will automatically decline all requests for the next 7 days for your site.
  • The following site's owner may have opted out for having their content from their site being archived.
  • Our server is too busy, which is considered if it has over a specific amount of requests in the minute our server will decline your access to prevent server overload. The amount of requests is only based on a twentieth of our total server power.
  • A specific page can only be archived once per six hours.
  • A typical site can only have up to 20 pages archived per day unless it's got manually acceptance to archive more (usually sites like Digg, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter will receive this acceptance).
  • You may have archived more than your daily limit, which is randomly detected based on your previous activity or IP status.
  • The page you provided may not allow us to archive them, through HTTP 404 or Robots.txt.
  • The page may not have any content, or has a redirect loophole which is pretty useless for us to archive.
  • We may be reviewing the site, until then content won't be displayable however archived data will be typically store and available once we've successfully finished reviewing the site.
  • Our servers might not like your request for any other reason, of which will be reported to us and if it's a corrupt issue we're obviously going to fix it.
  • Our site may be in a maintenance mode but still allows archived pages to be displayed.


And, we don't display the exact issue for the simple reason that you're only using our tool so it typically saves it as a 'bonus'. Any issues will be reported to us so don't worry, an issue will always be resolved behind closed doors.


Is Z32 only useful to entrepreneurs and webmasters?

Absolutely not. Another value use for our site is to save webpages mainly that are annoying to access and use our range of tools to minipulate a page and remove any unwanted information. This information can be shared with family, friends or clients to show them anything such as proof of violation or any other information. Z32 is used as a evidence source in courts, and also used by professional companies to get a off-site analytics of references made to their company and track backlinks.


Will my minipulated pages be shown?

Absolutely not. All minipulated pages are marked as modified page and will never be shown on our public website. It is optional for you to modify these pages and you only control who is able to view your modified page through a unique, accessible link when your changes have been saved.


Is saved content on Z32 the raw content?

We do not provide raw archived content to our readers unless you have a valid premium membership in which we allow you to download the exact content in raw file without any service changes. If you do not have a premium membership, we may remove elements which can be annoying such as javascript, flash and links however originated content will always be the same. Z32 does not act as a proxy, and does not further obtain webpage data other than cached webpages.


Why should I use Z32, when there's always Wayback Machine?

As a first resort, we'd consider The Wayback Machine as a competitor. They might have a more further dated amount of archived pages whereas we have direct contribution into our atmosphere, however they a minimum of 6 months for webpages to be published and they don't have any value in terms of market value. One of our main establishments was to implent the same type of technologies as they've got, and we've achieved exactly that. However there were many risks of using such inheritations such as Google penalties and exploitation which we have managed to prevent so we're the first company to run successfully a live user-orientated webpage archiving model without any exploitation or issues.


Isn't Z32 putting themselves at risk by enabling live archiving?

Z32 is maintained at enterprise-standards (like financial industries use) because we're strongly anticipated about opening such a project. A lot of risks are involved, but once these risks are ironed out we feel that data isn't a issue.


How do I know Z32 is maintainable and that my use of the service is valuable?

Well, our data is backed up by Amazon S3 with regular backups and our hosting is backed up by LiquidWeb. The two most largest companies for our data, and additionally with them on board we make huge terrabytes worth of backups every week. Data you archive might not be useful to you, but might be useful to others in the future.


What other features does Z32 deploy?

By also holding billions of webpages we are able to get the most accurate analytics in the world, and giving the closest insight of statistics to entrepreneurs and companies. We can also collect information such as webpage speeds, content types, common code types, and content minipulation (e.g. Google Analytics Trend) and enable future trend recognitions for the global knowledging.  


Is the Z32 archiver identifiable?

We always make our services identifiable. Our common way of archiving content on your servers is by sending the User Agent as Z32.NET Bot (http://www.z32.net/bot.html) which also provides a link on how to remove this bot on your site.


Do I always have to visit Z32 for them to archive a specific page?

Not really. If you are using our bookmarklet you just use our two-click button archive tool, otherwise if you are a scripting service we offer a pinging tool. If you use WordPress you should always check out our pinging add-on.


Is there a way I can prevent Z32 from archiving my site?

Absolutely. We believe in control, which gives the flexibility to anyone to control what they publish online. If you have experience in robots.txt or 404 error message which either way will stop Z32 from ever archiving your site. Additionally, if you don't want us to ever archive your site without the issue of page errors you need to fill in our remove site tool which will immediately prevent any future content being archived.


Will I get penalized by Google or Yahoo! by using Z32?

Absolutely not. Google and Yahoo! usually derank your Search Engine positions if your content is already inflated, however we've implented such features to decline these search engines from indexing the content directly from our servers.


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